Saudade – by KMK

What Saudade really means.

by KK

We can say that Saudade means; longing yearning nostalgia;… A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past. The condition of being homesick; homesickness … but also is more than this… Saudade means an emptiness, a something you lack…but goes further… it’s the ache throbbing in the gap that someone left in your heart, the soreness that remains in that hole. The ache inside our heart caused by good memories of simple or extraordinary people or thing… precious prints left there.
We have in our hearts experiences lived in the past with “that” someone or something… something that was given, shared or somehow known. When this place in our hearts is flooded with longing yearning wish to have it back… it’s called Saudade.
Saudade means to miss something or someone, longing, yearning with a deep sense of loss; it’s a broken heart, but still it brings to the surface a sweet feeling of what was and is really worthy….
It can be a personal longing which doesn’t however depress you… (sometimes does) …It’s bittersweet, wistful, and when you are missing something you love it will always remains part of you.
Saudade is a mix of missing, longing and yearning, but sometimes lighter, sweeter. Described by both tenderness and shivering, cozy and distressed; It’s around happiness and sadness, sore, meaningful scents of love, anguish and joyful treasure. Gloomily incompleted and kindling accomplished.
Saudade is longing for something that’s not tangible right now… a heartache for a fleeting treasure as it passes.
Saudade has its different shades of meaning. It means a certain lovelorn, means the sweet and precious sadness you feel by missing someone or something or by remembering good things. It’s a ghost of a shadow.
The sad is experienced and joy develops out of the real encounter or memories kept alive. It means all the emotions I feel for not being able to reach, hold, embrace and touch what I wish to, what I long for.
“Saudade” something that may appear light-hearted on the surface but actually invite discomfort and sadness when we can’t extinguish it. It still can gives you pleasure in the present no matter where you are… because you treasure what you had, what you felt or what you know, but after prolonged exposure… if you have no means to quench it ….it can become an enormous sense of incompleteness.
It can cause you to create great expectations but can bring you frustration…emerges unwitting anguish, floating desires and unattainable will.
The sweetness of Saudade comes from blossoming memories… the bitterness emerges from the absence, rises from the lack of tangibility.
It’s a feeling as universal as the stars, meaning a longing for what we should have…for what our heart wants to possess again…
It also can be related to a Persian word “Fera:q”, as a friend told me it means: “the unhappiness and sadness feelings you have because you’re separated or far from your love or beloved person.”
Saudade!!!! The aching feeling of missing home or loved ones can sometimes bring joy.
You can someday even enjoy singing… listening… remembering and “having” saudade!
It is Sadness from Joy,… Joy from sadness.



A Poetic Memorial to a Stalwart Soldier of the Cross


A soldier of the cross was she,
A leader in the fight
For righteousness and holiness;
She fought with all her might!

A soldier of the cross was she,
A warrior raw and rare
Who wielded well the Spirit’s Sword
Though she Christ’s wounds did share.

A soldier of the cross was she,
One stalwart, tried, and true,
A woman of great faith indeed
Though weakness stalked her, too.

A soldier of the cross was she,
A warrior, too, in prayer;
She made a difference in the war
Around her everywhere.

A soldier of the cross was she,
One Spirit filled to speak
And preach the Truth to those in need –
Good Tidings to the meek.

A soldier of the cross was she
Who served ’midst sacrifice;
She bound the broken-hearted up
And told them all of Christ.

A soldier of the cross was she,
A valiant one indeed;
She fought to liberate sin’s slaves
And many, thus, were freed!

A soldier of the cross was she,
She sought to free the bound
From prison bars around their hearts;
She many lost, too, found.

A soldier of the cross was she –
Example for us all –
In knowing how to stand and fight
Against foes great and small.

A soldier of the cross was she,
A soldier, too, for grace;
Now who will rise to fill the gap?
Oh, who will take her place?

A soldier of the cross was she,
A fighter for the faith;
Now she has laid her weapons down
And from earth’s battles safe.

A soldier of the cross was she,
She fought unto the end;
Now she has gone to her reward –
With Christ she did ascend.

© Written by WDB on February 4 & 12, 2022
in honor of a valiant and highly esteemed soldier
of the cross
and guardian of the faith,

Mary Leonora Fix Fawcett. (Nov, 16 1939 – Feb, 3 2022)
Compare Isaiah 61:1–3.
